martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Ellen MacArthur's email


Guess where I’m writing from – in the Atlantic Ocean! I’ve been sailing for three months. I’m arriving in California tomorrow; it seems to be a great place. At the beginning, the trip was very comfortable, but after two weeks, it was bad, the weather was horrible. But, now, the weather’s warm with sunshine all day!
I can sea the blue sea with the beautiful fish swimming near here, there are some nice ships there – you’d love it.

You don’t know what happened to me in the middle of the ocean; the boat’s sails have broken so I had to repair them. It took me many hours, but then they were ok. I was exhausted. The experience was surprising; it’s hard to describe how it feels to be up there.

I’m very happy about my trip, it was very nice and I have enjoyed it a lot.
Have to finish – I’m going to stay in California for another ten o twelve days, then I’m going to return. I will write again from there!



1 comentario:

Jimena Cas dijo...

Very good work Melanie!
Please, check some language mistakes, such as:
- the Atlantic Ocean
boat sails broke
it is very nice (you are still there, aren't you?)
Correct, print and hand in the final version by next Friday.