miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

will there sill be schools and teachers in the future?

Scientist claim that in 60 years time, there wont be teachers at school .
The teacher will be at their home, they will teach from all the childrens by
the computer while the kids are studying.

It’s true that computer scientist have made fantastic invention over last few years, they have developed computers that can understand things people say, from there the students ask to the teachers their doubts.
They have built computers that have really big memory capacity, but human intelligence is more than having a good memory.

To concluded, it wont like to teach by the computers, in 60 years time, we will probably have teachers computers that can do everything that a normal teacher do. But I believe that human intelligence will always be higher than artifial intelligence.

1 comentario:

Jimena Cas dijo...

Good work Caro, but I think the ending is missing!
Please, check.
Then correct, print and hand in before Thursday 26th.