martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Letter From "Ellen"

Guess where I’m writting from- an airplane!
I’m going to Brazil, a beautiful place.
I’ll arrive tomorrow at 6 o’clock in “Rio de Janeiro”. There, the weather is hot, the beach is beautiful with transparent water. I hope that an acid rain in Buenos Aires won´t (destroy/ruin) your holidays =D =P
You can´t imagine what happened!
A beautiful boy, who helped me with th baggage in the plataform, is sitting next to me. He is so beautiful!
I ´ll finish these letter saying that I hope he to stay in the same hotel as me.
I´m going to write tomorrow, When I arrive.
My family is sitting beside me, but they can´t see what I´m doing!
I´ll love these trip…
Love and kisses, peace and love


1 comentario:

Jimena Cas dijo...

Laura, your letter is very nice but off-subject, please read the task again (Unit 5) and re-write the letter. (Consult me in class if necessary!)
Then, print and hand in the final version by next Friday.